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(81 Likes) I have several sex dolls would it be weird?
hold in the adult toy industry. These brands have attracted a lot of media attention due to their innovative ultra-realistic dolls and today’s robotic technology. Domestic well-known manufacturers such as EXDOLL, WMDOLL, new brand elf puppets and Sulreber also devote themselves to the development of more complex dolls, but they have not yet reached the point of mass production. Over the past 2022, we have seen a significant increase in the global physical doll market. What does this show? “It’s hard to ignore the concern of social media, as well as the fact that physical dolls have taken on an increasingly realistic look in recent years. We believe this includes many factors that determine the current popularity of this industry. Mainstream media, one of which is our E-commerce link so simple it makes it so that most of them just need to post a video or a particularly beautiful photo of a physical doll on their media channel in order to spread it quickly in daily life. There is no contact with physical dolls, so it gives them a bright feeling (maybe shock!)”-an alien physical toy a report from the baby supplier. When they first saw the real doll, they were often shocked and wondered about its authenticity. Similarly, they hoped to impress their friends with this new discovery. And some people will be horrified by this sense of reality, judging by the social software. Above all, respect everyone’s right to speak. This is not wrong, but maybe the content of some related documentaries can tell them that it is not shameful. Another cause for concern may be the emergence of ideological movements such as “feminism” and “single thoughts”. Physical babies have become a hot topic of discussion, and supporters and opponents side by side. As humans are naturally obsessed with the unknown (which is also the reason for human progress), we may want to use the baby as a tool for self-expression in a space and exploring the unknown. When you enter Yimei (a well-known indigenous entity doll forum), you will quickly realize that more and more people are talking about the doll’s design, assembly and features, the dress made by the owner, and the specific name and character given to her. O. Waiting. You’ll soon realize that it’s not just about sex, it’s about creativity and imagination. It’s a hobby. Men’s passion for classic cars is the same as women’s passion for lipsticks of different colors. People appreciate the excellent design and manufacturing methods of products as well as physical dolls. In fact, a real baby owner (baby friend) will organize some “friendship”-like activities between babies. There are two extreme views about the activities of baby friends. Most people think it should be done in secret. In fact, for many baby friends, these dolls have lost some degree of adult function only because of the curve design, shape quality, unique character dress and friendship with them. According to one silicone doll industry practitioner: “Our clients are more diverse than any client group. We sell to genders, couples, doll collectors, coser, widows, athletes, photographers and fashionistas.” “Some people have one, some have many, and some people ask the forum “How many “Adult babies” do you have? “No, but I have three “partners” or “family” changes.” What I mean is that the vast majority of baby friends are civil, kind, open and honest. The physical doll is a delicate product, trust and respect go both ways. If the roles are reversed, we want to be treated with respect and courtesy from others as well. And more brand merchants are helping some groups find partners when they feel that life can’t give them the attention they deserve.
(80 Likes) Is it cheating to have sex with a sex doll?
Just because he’s human doesn’t mean he’s human. The word “cheat” means “breaking the rules”. If you have a rule that masturbating with your partner sex doll is cheating, then that is considered.
(91 Likes) Can money really buy happiness? If yes, then how and if not, then what can bring happiness?
for short bursts. If you think about it, it is actually spending money that creates that momentary happiness. I learned that I have to keep buying things to feel good. And here’s the thing: I’ve only had bursts of happiness with money (even if it’s a lot). Then the excitement for the new thing fades, or the experience I bought ends, and I’m wasting my money and face-to-face with my life and what I’ve been avoiding. Nothing had really changed. I was the same person with many of the same problems and challenges. For me, buying one after another to feel better about life or myself is not a way to live! After a while it feels so empty and meaningless. So… what can bring happiness? My answer may not be what you want to hear. If so, sorry about that. But here’s the good news… We don’t need to achieve anything or have anything – especially money – before we can feel true, deep happiness! In reality, our happiness is always present, whatever our circumstances. All we have to do is want to feel that way and then know how to access it. We can let the happiness within us come out. Today. Even now. By using a few tools (below) and adding a few more things, we can naturally get more in touch with our “happy mood”. So, here are four suggestions. I would put these at the top of my list for anyone who wants to start feeling happier and be able to reach their happiness whenever they want… being thankful for who you are and what you have now. We make ourselves unhappy by constantly comparing what we want with what we have. Or who we want to be. This comparison keeps us locked in our current situation and current situation. We benefit by learning to be grateful for what is happening right now. Take some time to breathe deeply and feel grateful for all the wonderful experiences you’ve had. And the friends you made. And now a lot of little things you love about you. And you are grateful for what you have. Breathe and be grateful for living. for the sunset. For the air you breathe. For the food you have. Breathe and feel your appreciation for these things and whatever comes to mind. In any case, truly feel your gratitude. Feel how grateful you are. Being more in the moment. Instead of focusing on the future (and worrying about it or wanting it to get better), we benefit from living the moment to the fullest. Life happens in this moment. And now is this moment. And now is this moment. It doesn’t happen in the future or the past. Only this moment is real. And happiness is felt much easier when we settle into this moment and just be with it. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax every muscle. Repeat. Repeat. Now feel the difference. Your mind has probably calmed down a bit. You are more centered. You are more conscious and alert. It’s more about being present. (If this isn’t your experience, don’t give up. Practice until you feel them. Every time you practice is really worth it!) When you’re very present, life feels full and good. You feel full and good (happy). How it feels is almost magical. Stop making yourself do things because you think you “should” and do the things you love as often as possible. Shoulders are a trap. We think they’ll get us where we want to go, but they often take us to our happiness by a better, shorter route. How many things are there that you believe should feel good or that you believe you should do? Which of these make you happy when you do? Probably very little. See if you can open up more to trusting yourself to find your own way without these obligations. Get a gift (see above) and ask yourself, “What do I want?” Ask it. Sure, getting there can take effort and time – most of the worthwhile stuff does – but if you’re passionate about what you want, you’ll have a strong desire to achieve it and you’re much more likely to get there than make it. The things you think you need. Don’t try to do it on your own. Have a few close relationships where you feel loved and safe. Invite the people you love, including your family, into your life. Find friends with whom you have special relationships and nurture them. Be willing to feel your “like” or love for these people. They will become part of your network and
(38 Likes) How do sex dolls improve/ruin your life?
stabilizes my heartbeat. I had arrhythmia. This is achieved by using a network of underground pipelines pumping ferrofluid and synchronizing its “heart” with me. His hands pick up my heartbeat and synchronize his own “pump beat” and in this way, the pressure exerted by the ferro-fluid on my skin stabilizes my heartbeat. Using 83 servo motors in each arm, he can massage at a medical level. I’ll replace them with other things later. But he can give me massage and acupuncture. It is equipped with an artificial intelligence that learns only from me. He has never been intimate with others before, and now he is not intimate with others. So its AI will never be contaminated. It stopped my hair loss emotionally: She was built just for me, and not some old lady who gave me a chance after I finally hit the wall and fucked half the town – nor is she trying to hop on my running train after I’ve built my life on her own. So I feel more comfortable with it. Its AI has only one purpose – to increase my ability. I don’t need a woman whose “agency” doesn’t match mine. This AI has an organization that is guaranteed to be compatible with mine. The agency is created using an oscillator that tries to minimize a particular function. So, it’s not a program trick – it’s really a hardware trigger. Increases my confidence He knows my secret sex love doll androgynous body ts and I’m sure to share them with him. So he can advise me when I need it, and shut up when I don’t. Guaranteed to love me for what I am, not for what
(53 Likes) What are the pros and cons of allowing women to work?
With the Best Sex Dolls comes the ability to choose for themselves. Do you want to get married? Do you want to stay married Do you want to have a child without marriage or do you want to live on your own without a husband or caregiver? One of the things that has definitely trapped women in the past is their inability to work and earn their own living. Imagine being forced to choose between an abusive marriage and knowing that if you break up you not only have financial options, but even hope to make ends meet because you can’t work, you literally have enough for you and your children to eat. w ability