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(64 Likes) Should I buy a silicone sex doll?

Men clean themselves. You’ll have to clean this thing up and it’s disgusting and boring and you Sex Doll Torso can masturbate for free in a much easier and more convenient way! Also, they don’t act exactly like real women, if you know what I mean. You can pose them, but they don’t move at all. So if the idea of ​​necrophilia turns you on, go ahead! But if not, years later, you’ll look back on all the years wasted with a good woman and feel the same way about your crappy home just because you can count on it. your own income or, more likely, rent for your mortgage. We all have specific needs for men, and yes, doll May

(32 Likes) How to find a partner who does not like to argue and fight?

drama with others. In new relationships, people usually try to scam you, but then the real col Sex Doll rs come out. See how they behave with their families, how they behave in a restaurant if someone gets their order wrong, how they behave online when people disagree with them. Do they seek peace and reconciliation, or do they want to cause drama and dominate the other?

(44 Likes) I have an articulated Barbie fashion doll and her hips are a little loose. The hip joint is purple and like a plastic thing that attaches to the torso. Is there any way I can tighten the hip joint?

int looks like this (picture looks blurry and all but you can tell what hip joint is sex doll threesome I described it

(22 Likes) Why do some Japanese boys prefer dolls over real girls?

married. He is a hardworking, well-paid man who wants to get married and can introduce them to their families. Being handsome is a plus. Being too handsome may mean that he is ‘charai’, that is, an actor. In very rare cases, they seek sexual harmony. This pattern becomes more apparent, especially when they turn 30 and realize that most of their friends are getting married and having children. In short, when they start to experience the excitement of marriage. – Just as a side note: This is because Japanese society sees marriage as the attainment of a certain social status. As you are expected to have a job BEFORE college graduation. You are expected to marry before 30. I went to a women’s college in Japan for a year and there were cooking classes, cultural classes (as a foreigner it fascinated me). But when I asked my colleagues why they went to that college, the answer was to be worthy of a decent man so they could stay home. It was 9 years ago! — I’m in my 30s and divorced. Yes, most of my single Japanese friends talk about wanting to get married soon rather than finding a lifelong mate. The goal is marriage! I see it as an unnecessary social pressure that will change over time. Likewise, the percentage of part-time workers versus full-time workers has exceeded 40% in the last 15 years, which is a lot to be said for young Japanese opening their eyes and no longer seeking lifetime employment. — Not all Japanese women are in such a hurry to get married. But those who do not love, those who value both themselves and the man in the best way without putting any pressure on themselves, are smart, those who want a strong carrier behind them, a few relationships, just a mate. to share their lives. The same women above, Kanji Kato, Member of the Japanese Parliament encouraged to have more than one child a few weeks ago as the birth rate fell to the lowest level since 1899. Japanese MPsex baby trio says single women are ‘burden of the state’ br> As a single woman living in Japan for almost a decade, I now feel compelled to say something based on personal experience. The Japanese government can take action before speaking out on any issue related to women’s rights in the workplace and in society. Paying women an average of less than $1,000 a month for the same job, asking at the interview whether you are married or planning to have children, are just some of the problems women in Japan have to contend with. . So when the ‘dear’ Japanese MP comes to make such a reckless statement, it can only piss me off. I believe that the basis of most of the problems is this payment and the understanding of the company that does not support women. The women here either want to get married for men and family security if they get bored of this cruelty.

(70 Likes) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever caught doing someone as a police officer?

tube. Search for keywords…) Here’s Austin getting caught by an overly helpful inventory clerk. I believe I may have worn something similar to the same expression on this occasion. (The guy holding the “evidence” there, not Austin’s.) We had a search warrant in the home of a drug trafficker and money launderer, and my job was to take the inventory and make the official extradition that went to the judge who issued the report. Let him know what we confiscated. While the affidavit containing all probable cause information is usually sealed and not available to the public, the order itself (and often the return) is not sealed and is available to anyone wishing to look at it at the clerk’s office. public record. I set up my computer and portable printer (we had progressed from old pen and paper forms) and while watching Realistic Sex I inventory every item brought to me on the dining room table. The baby is a chair. I should add that I knew the drug evidence when I saw him as a narcotic agent for 12 years. Money laundering evidence isn’t always that obvious, so I’d have some discussion with the case representative about whether and why he wants a particular paper, and whether that’s covered in the “specific description” of the items to look for. seized” (that annoying 4th Amendment). In an hour or two, one of the other agents brings me a box from the master bedroom (usually the bonus place in drug guarantees). I started pulling things out and recording information about each substance on the computer, all the drug evidence, the records were in another room. Alvin (not his real name, but close enough) watches with some horror as I inventory his coke, pottery, and pills. I reached for a few pieces of stuff and utensils, scales, smoking devices, and a large plastic tube with a rubber hose attached to what looked like a pump handle. It looks like it could be a bong, which is where the agent (young woman) is (commode by the bed) is what he puts in the plug described. Only I had seen Austin Powers, and apparently he hadn’t. Or the lack of a Swedish flag in plastic frightened him, but I was under no illusions. I put it on the table so Alvin can see it clearly. “Hmmm, possible bong,” I say. “Drug paraphernalia. That’s another number.” “This is not a bong,” he said angrily. So what is it?” “This isn’t a f’n bong.” “Looks like drug paraphernalia to me. It’s a crime in this state, believe it or not. I’ll send him to the lab and have him checked for residue.” “Residue?” “Yes. You know, the traces of drugs you left when you smoked.” (Looks pretty uncomfortable in the direction of the conversation. I was having a pretty good time. The Inventory is about the most boring job on a warrant, sex doll threesome so some rare chance of funny relief is welcome.) “Oh, you’ll find some relics, you’ll go looking for it. It won’t be what you expect. Bong, no,” he said.“You know what? I think you are right. I believe this is a penis pump. One of the magnifying things. For the guys who need this kind of thing… Little guys… I’m going to write it down on the inventory form. A penis pump enlarger,” I said, busying myself with nonsense on the computer. “Let’s see, his note says it was seized in the master bedroom. On the nightstand. You’d probably keep something nice and useful like this in there.” Don’t touch it anymore. This is not mine.” [I heard that one a lot over the years, but was cheered that this time we were entering true Austin “Danger” Powers territory. That’s exactly what Austin says in the movie. (“That’s not mine, baby.”)] He was looking up today. “You can’t put that shit in your f’n form. Not me. I don’t need that sh-t. Damn, I can’t even fit in that little thing. I’ll probably break the damn thing,” he said angrily. (I’m no expert at this, but it looked pretty good. Maybe he was “flexing” the truth a little bit?) “You better be careful, Alvin. Lying to a federal agent is a crime and you know the cops will rob you and look for you. I think you’re in enough trouble with drugs and money laundering already. And now there’s DNA…” “Man, you can’t be serious. DNA. F-.” “Yeah, we’ll get to the end of this. The judge will read all this and will want to know if it’s a drug abuse device. Truth is all truth and nothing but truth. All lawyers and jurors will want to know that you’re going to court. So what should I put here? Alvin’s penis pump or Alvin’s hookah?” He thinks for a moment, mutters a little.